Bulk Seeds
This are plain seeds
Aves CanadaPerilla Seed Brown Brown perilla is a very popular for many seed eating birds. bird breeder like to feed perilla seed to their birds throughout th...
View full detailsCanary seeds plain 3lbs
Aves CanadaCANARY SEED Poor in fats (5,2%) and rich in carbohydrates (55,8%). It is the main component of bird seed mix.
Canary seeds plain 40lbs
Aves CanadaPlain canary seeds packed in 50lbs bag
Delicha Seeds 750gr
Aves CanadaDelicha is an untreated grass seed from Uganda that contains absolutely no pesticides in any form. It contains a lot of fiber and carbohydrates. D...
View full detailsElevage -white perilla 1kg/2.2lbs
Aves CanadaWhite perilla clean packaged in 1kg
Elevage- Canary seeds 20kg/44lbs
Aves CanadaPremium Clean Canary seeds Components: " Selected Canadian canary seed, rosemary, oregano.
Foniopaddy 1kg/2.2lbs
Aves CanadaWhat is Foniopaddy©? Foniopaddy© is a natural grass seed which is grown in plantations in Uganda. More than three years of studies under vet superv...
View full detailsGREEN MILLET 3LBS
Aves CanadaGreen or Pearl millets, earlier known as ‘bird food’, come in several delicious flavours. Apart from offering excellent taste, these millets contai...
View full detailsHEMP SEEDS (unsterilized) 1kg/2.2lbs
Aves CanadaHEMP SEED is a favorite of birds and is often found in bird seed formulations. It is an oily seed that is very high in omega 3/6 fatty acids, vitam...
View full detailsHungarian millet 3lbs
Aves CanadaHungarian millet is excellent addition t daily diet for all Your finches and canaries. Hungarian Millet is high in protein and fat. It is used as p...
View full detailsJapanise millet 3lbs
Aves CanadaJapanese millet is an exceptional bird seed; it is readily taken by seed-eating cage and aviary birds and also by ducks, waterfowl and game birds (...
View full detailsMICRO SUNFLOWER 800GR
Aves CanadaOrnimix -Pineta Micro sunflower . Excellent for soakseeds or germenation.
Aves CanadaMilk thistle has strong medicinal benefits for the liver. These seeds are excellent if your parrot has fatty liver disease or other complications o...
View full detailsNIJER SEEDS ( unsterilized) 1KG/2.2lbs
Aves CanadaHigh germination Nijer seeds .
Aves CanadaOat Groats are the hulled kernels of oats and are minimally processed to retain their natural nutrients. They are very tasty as they are high in fa...
View full detailsPagima Green Seed 750gr
Aves CanadaPagima Green Seed is a small grass seed of African origin. The seed is very popular for African Waxbills and is also enjoyed my many other finches ...
View full detailsRed millet 3lbs
Aves CanadaNo better choice for when you want to create a seed mix of your own. Individual seed bags allow you to pick and choose. Gives your birds a variety ...
View full detailsSafflower Seed
Aves CanadaSafflower Seed
Small Golden Millet 3lbs
Aves CanadaThis is small Golden millet that can be used for many finches and small birds
White millet 3lbs
Aves CanadaMost birds prefer the white proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) which is slightly sweet and high in protein ....